Ryoji Ikeda
Posted by Alex Bittiner on 10 Oct 2017
Test pattern no.12 is a site specific installation by Ryoji Ikeda which is currently showing at Store Studios, 180 The Strand and was commissioned by The Vinyl Factory.
The installation consists of black and white imagery projected to synchronised sound onto the floor of a darkened room where each observer can engage and experience the installation as they choose.
The installation is the latest installation in a series called ‘test pattern’ which is described on the artist’s website as “a system that converts any type of data (text, sounds, photos and movies) into barcode patterns and binary patterns of 0s and 1s. Through its application, the project aims to examine the relationship between critical points of device performance and the threshold of human perception”.
The exhibition is on from October 5th to December 10th 2017.
Click on the link below for more information on the artist.